Mini Scheduler Version 1.1b ********** Release Notes ********** Thank you for downloading Mini Scheduler, I think (hope) you will like it. ********** About ********** Mini Scheduler was designed with the point and click user in mind. There is nothing complicated to learn. If you want to have a program start at 11:05 AM, everyday, it's no more than a few clicks of the mouse and it's done. If you would like your kids to know when it's time to shut the computer off, same thing. With the two built in reminder options, you can notify the computer user of anything you like. With the Auto Start feature, you can start any program or file you like at any time you like. This is the first public release of Mini Scheduler, with that in mind it's called 1.1b. Mini Scheduler was tested and performs as it should, but it's amazing at how many good suggestions for features and improvements come in almost immediately, making the next version resemble little of the first. So whether or not other programs that are first time releases call themselves betas, they are. For that reason this is called a "b" release. The unregistered version is shareware and may be distributed by any means. ********** Installation ********** Simply unzip the contents into a temporary directory and run the setup. You must be running Windows 95. ********** Trouble Shooting ********** For the sake of download time and distribution size, some of the files that may be necessary to run Mini Scheduler have been intentionally left out of this zip. This wasn't a haphazard decision, most systems will already have these files, or most of them. Including them would double the download time. So for those of you that already have them, I am sure you appreciate the reduction in size, for those that don't the problem is easily resolved. This a list of the missing files. VB40032.dll VEN2232.dll OLEPRO32.olb MSVCRT20.dll MSVCRT40.dll CTL3D32.dll If you encounter any errors pertaining to these files, I have them zipped up at my web page. The URL is: If you downloaded this from msn, you can get them in the "Shareware Tools Library". If you downloaded this from winsite or some other archive, they too have these files zipped up, look for or something of that nature. Just unzip them all into your Windows\System directory. The only exception may be the CTL3D32.dll, which may have to be placed in the Mini Scheduler directory. ********** Last Minute Notes ********** Because of the way the Visual Reminder is designed, when it is displayed no other reminders will activate until it is turned off. Unfortunately this includes autostarts as well. The idea of having an option that turns the visual reminders off after a certain period of time, and/or having the ability to display more than one reminder at a time was bounced around, and the decision not to add them was made. This can be over turned by end user input. If this or anything else would be an option you would like to see, see below. ********** Contact Me ********** I would like to hear from you. Whether you decide to register or not, I would like to know what you think. Anything "CONSTRUCTIVE" whether positive or negative you could pass along would be be greatly appreciated. Registered Users will be notified of any future versions or upgrades. Everyone else can check: Thanks for trying Mini Scheduler. Mike +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++